Cat Pictures II
Initial Scans Port 1337 Enum Port 80 Enum Port 8080 Enum Port 3000 Enum Initial Access Privilege Escalation Command List rustscan -a --ulimit 5000 -- -A -T4 -Pn -o...
Initial Scans Port 1337 Enum Port 80 Enum Port 8080 Enum Port 3000 Enum Initial Access Privilege Escalation Command List rustscan -a --ulimit 5000 -- -A -T4 -Pn -o...
Basic Enumeration Upon starting the docker instance, I was given a link to the PDFy website. It appeared to be an HTML to PDF converter where you supply a webpage and it will take a snapshot of the...
Nmap Nmap reveals ports 139, 135, 445, 3389, as well as a few other ports that are random dynamic Windows RPC ports. The Nmap scan did reveal that the computer was running Windows 7 Pro 7601 SP1. ...
Nmap The scan reveals only ports 22 (SSH) and 80 (HTTP) and nothing else that seems like a possible attack vector. Basic Web Enumeration The main page doesn’t reveal much so we may have to do mo...
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